
Build together, benefit together.


Sunny blobs

Round 4: Onchain Builders

Applications are closed

This category will reward onchain builders who contribute to the success of Optimism. This round seeks to expand the...

OP Mainnet logo
10M OP


Sunny blobs

Round 5: OP Stack


Aug 2024

The OP Stack is the heart of Optimism, and the Superchain. Contributions to the OP Stack and improvements to the...

Sunny blobs

Round 6: Governance


Sep 2024

Improving the capture resistance and resource allocation of Optimism Governance is the primary objective of this...

Sunny blobs

Round 7: Dev Tooling


Oct 2024

Supporting Optimism builders with developer tooling is the focus of this category. From SDKs to testing frameworks...

About Retro Funding

Retroactive Public Goods Funding (Retro Funding) offers a sustainable model for individuals to receive rewards for their contributions to Optimism's success, ensuring that efforts are not only recognized but also effectively rewarded.

Retroactive Funding is based on the idea that it's easier to agree on what was useful in the past than what might be useful in the future. This is a series of experiments where members of the Citizens' House allocate rewards to projects they deem have provided positive impact to the Optimism Collective.

This is core to Optimism's value of impact = profit: the idea that that positive impact to the collective should be rewarded proportionally with profit to the individual.

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Optimist Profiles

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40,000,000 OP

Retro Funding rewarded to Optimism Collective contributors since 2022